…was relayed on Wednesday night to Miami-Dade Schools Facilities Planning staff on hand for a public forum on HHH1. Residents, many of whom saw site plans for the first time that evening, expressed serious concerns regarding potential impacts from the proposed school. Though there was unanimous acknowledgement that a new school is needed, residents voiced their clear disdain for the surreptitious manner with which the project has been developed over the past two years, and expressed a clear desire to see the school moved to an alternate location.
Over two hundred residents gathered in the cafeteria at Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School to discuss the matter. Pointed issues were raised in the course of the meeting, including:
•The lack of transparency that has plagued this publicly funded project from its inception.
•The proposed project’s violations regarding proximity to the Urban Development Boundary (UDB), as stipulated in the Comprehensive Master Development Plan (CDMP).
•Uncertainties regarding future unilateral expansions beyond what is currently planned for the site.
•Numerous ways in which the project will inevitably compromise many of the values that initially brought residents to the area, and dramatically impact current infrastructure and traffic in an otherwise quiet residential community.
We would like to personally thank Miami-Dade Public Schools staff for accepting the invitation to address our residents. Most importantly, we would like to thank ALL the residents that took time out of their busy schedules to attend the event. While a lot of language was thrown around last night about a “benefit to the community”, it must be recognized that the community itself should decide what constitutes a benefit, and be considered an equal partner in site acquisition and planning.
The synopsis of the meeting last night doesn't really convey what the final outcome of the meeting was...was any progress made in stopping the construction of the school? What was the reaction of the School Board representatives? Will they explore alternatives or did they simply listen to our complaints and that's going to be the end of it?
Please elaborate for those who weren't able to make it.
The synopsis of the meeting last night doesn't really convey what the final outcome of the meeting was...was any progress made in stopping the construction of the school? What was the reaction of the School Board representatives? Will they explore alternatives or did they simply listen to our complaints and that's going to be the end of it?
Please elaborate for those who weren't able to make it.
The original plans shown at the School Board Building 3rd floor, had expansion plans. Also, during meeting with the architects, they mentioned that it was possible that a street would be built on the east side of the property. Ask to see the plans that the were shown at THAT meeting.
Did they show you the little pictures of the ugly portables that will be put up after the school is built?
Wait 'til you see the McDonalds wrappers, cups, water bottles, note book paper, strewn thoughout the neighborhood. Wait til they poison your dogs, cause they didn't like the way you looked at them the day before. Wait til they know the pattern of when you come and go everyday, from watching you everyday as they wait for school to start, then burglarize your home.
Get ready for HHH1 folks!
I wonder how many of the approximatly 200 residents that showed up at JMC have children in the puplic school system. Remember the very students that now attend JMC, will be the ones attending HHH1. The old saying "Build where ever you want, but not in my backyard", holds true.
To the "concerned citizen" and the fear tactics that you are using. Are you kidding me??? Where in the world did you get the idea at all high school kids are either litter bugs, pet killer or burglars?? Is that what you did in high school??? HHH1 is going to be built in that location so just get over it.
Concerned Citizen,
Personal attacks will not be allowed on the site. Stick to the issue and let's keep it civil...
maybe I'm missing something...but I still don't see anything stating what, if anything, was accomplished at the meeting?
What was the final outcome...can we do anything to stop the building of the school, or are we "doomed", i.e. is the school being built regardless...will a petition help...
Answers ANYONE???
citizens of greater stonewood...
can you answer any of my questions?
Dennis, here's the skinny:
The Facilities Planning office of Miami-Dade Schools is simply hell-bent on making this project a reality. They have stated it multiple times and, in their view, it is a done deal.
Still, two things are critically important to mention:
First, the heavy machinery you've seen working on the site has been fulfilling a $200,000 "pre-construction contract" that was awarded in March. BUT, the actual $46 million contract for construction of the school has not yet been awarded and is not currently on the Board's agenda.
Secondly, while the Facilities Planning office has thus far acted unilaterally on this project, it is ultimately accountable to both the Superintendent of Schools and the School Board. Thus, if we can impress upon these individuals our concerns, we still have an opportunity to save Miami-Dade Schools from spending additional time and money on a poorly planned facility.
There is still AMPLE opportunity to push for relocation, but everyone MUST make their concerns known to Rudy Crew, their elected school board representatives, and the county and state representatives charged with overseeing smart growth.
To those waiting for "what's next", do not wait for someone else to act. If you have questiona or concerns about HHH-1, contact the school board, your elected school board representative (Ana Rives-Logan), school board superintendent Rudy Crew, and commissioner Dennis Ross. Democracy is a proces that works when people participate. It does not work when people sit along the sidelines waiting for others to work for them.
Where do you all think you live....Pinecrest? You are getting a school built there. Face it. You don't like it....move. I'd rather have it built next to your house than mine. If it was next to mine, you wouldn't care. toodaloo.
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