A weekday visit to Ron
Ehman Park provides a good glimpse into a future in the shadow of proposed high school
HHH1. On any given weekday, the entire perimeter of this popular Miami-
Dade County park is FILLED with vehicles from students attending nearby Killian High. There is insufficient parking at the school, and Park Manager Joe Fernandez revealed that some park staff must arrive every morning at 6:30 am to close the entry gate-- lest students take every available space from those looking to use the park. Our conversation was
punctuated by strobes and sirens, as the school polluted the surrounding
soundscape with a fire drill. And nearby, two students idled in the park at midday-- a not uncommon
occurrence according to Fernandez. Many students are released early as part of the school's work program and will loiter in the park until a ride arrives. A more perfect confirmation of our collective concerns could not have been had!
What will HHH1 mean for our own Kings Grant and Chuck Pezholdt Parks? Neither facility is currently staffed, leaving no one to safeguard parking for the others looking to use the parks. Miami-Dade Schools does nothing to curb the imposition of their students on nearby public lands. Poor planning by Miami-Dade Schools all but guarantees your public spaces will become public parking lots...
You've just made a great point why HHH1 should be built. Did you know that Miami Killian and Miami Palmetto High are over their capacity? That is why the school board is currently building state school YYY1 to reduce the current capacity. The new school which was approved with out any one complaining is scheduled to open on 2009. Once the school is opened, you will not see what you are seeing in the picture. Once again thank you.
Sorry, but I think you missed the point. There is not enough land, and thus not enough parking to accommodate 2,500+ high school students, many of whom drive to school. Where will they park? Across the street, at the park. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
I have been keeping up with this Kill HHH1 effort since the beginning and all I have read is, not in my backyard. When are the powers at the helm at "The Concerned Citizens of Stone Wood" going to offer an alternitive site that everyone will be happy with?
As for me, HHH1 is exactly where it should be. Unlike most of you I have children and I want them to attend a neighborhood school and not sit on a bus for 1 to 2 house beginning a 6:00 AM to attend some school miles away. My son is looking foward playing football in high school but that will not happen if he has to rush to catch a school bus home.
Thank you to sayyes2hhh1 for doing your homework on YYY1.
Some things to think about:
Have the proprty values of the homes around Killian Sr. suffered? I don't think so. Have the proprty values around Palmetto Sr. dropped? Nope! ...and these are not modern schools. Some would argue those schools make the areas more appealing.
Is the area around Mas Canosa out of control? Are there mass murders and home invasion robberies, because kids go to school there? I would aregue that the schools give the area a positive identity.
The school will be closed on weekends, so no traffic problems then. After 3 pm everyday, all cars and kids are gone. By the time most of you go to work, the kids are already in school. During the day, the cars will not move 'cause the kids are in class. It's not like it's a shopping center with people coming and going.
So from 7 am - 3pm everyday we will have a great modern school in our backyard. So some kids will park at the little park next door. So be it. Who cares? There are worse things in life.
no why nobody ask to us before, high school population is gonna be a really big problem , the park is not going to be used for families any more, the space is not enough for the traffic that will have in the area, we need qur neighborhood like right now quiet, pacific and our homes a place to rest miami has a lot of problems we dont need one more even when this one would be really close
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