Monday, April 7, 2008

Meet Your New Neighbor...

Miami-Dade Public Schools is moving forward with the construction of a new senior high school at the intersection of SW 160 Street and 152 Avenue that will comprise 150, 460 square feet and house approximately 2,000 students. The school has currently been dubbed "HHH-1".

Like most residents of the Kings Grant area, we have only this week found out about this project following the clearing of nearly 40 acres of former agricultural land. The area is now fenced and sports cryptic Miami-Dade Schools signs.

The project is apparently being implemented with absolutely NO dialogue with the residents. There was no public scoping on the project, no zoning hearing, and certainly no effort to engage any of the members of our community. This is particularly troubling given the impact such a project is expected to have on the quiet, low-traffic nature of our residential area. After only a brief period of investigation, it is clear that Miami-Dade Schools has shown little regard for the former owner of the property (which was condemned using eminent domain), and shows a similar interest in railroading the construction of HHH-1 without regard for local residents.

This blog has been started as a means of keeping interested parties informed and providing opportunities to make your voices heard.

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